博彩平台网址大全为纪念男女同校50周年,举办了为期三个学期的节目, special occasions, content for the entire Trinity College community.

请回到这里查看即将到来的活动,节目和相关课程的更新,并发送电子邮件 [email protected] to share ideas and join in the celebration.

In addition to on-campus events, 妇女领导委员会将举办校外活动,并领导相应的妇女慈善倡议.

Signature 事件

Spring 2020: Women at the Summit: Tomorrow

February 7, 2020


Related Programming

February 5: Evensong with Dedication of the Icon, “St. 凯瑟琳在亚历山大宫廷教授哲学家

5:15 p.m. Evensong with dedication of the icon in the Chapel
6:00 p.m. Dinner and discussion in the Reese Room, Smith House
RSVP for dinner to [email protected]
Add this event to your calendar

12:15 p.m. 为纪念朱迪·德沃林1971年与凯特·鲍尔斯和莱斯利·法罗的座谈会, moderated by Rebecca Pappas – Dangremond Family Commons

February 6, 2020: Women & 工程
12:15 p.m. Common Hour Lunch with Stacey Joslin ’96 – MECC Room 270
4:30 p.m. Afternoon Tea – 工程 Lounge, MECC 3rd Floor

2020年2月26日:来自峰会的故事:与博士的一个晚上. Christina Bleyer
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. The Smith Residence, Windsor, CT

有色人种男性联盟将向博彩平台网址大全的女性致敬 & The Greater 哈特福德 Community. 届时将有现场音乐、一些表演、嘉宾演讲和一个简短的颁奖典礼.
Register for this event

Sunday, March 8, 2020
4:00 p.m. Trinity College Chapel
For most of the history of 教堂 Singers’, a group that is nearly as old as Trinity College itself, membership included undergraduate men only. 事实上, 任何需要女高音的表演都需要与该地区的儿童或妇女合唱团合作. 1969年,教堂歌手迎来了他们的第一批女高音成员, when Trinity opened its doors to women students. In recognition of this significant anniversary, 教堂歌手们举办了一场女作曲家的音乐会, including works by Rebecca Clarke, 丽丽雅, Rosephanye Powell, 克里安德鲁, Dobrinka Tabakova.
Zachary Schurman ’22, organist
Christopher Houlihan, conductor
Free admission, donations accepted

March 19, 2020: “Will Truth Survive? Social Media, Elections and the Future of Democracy”
与Renny Fulco教授一起参加妇女领导委员会圆桌会议.
Hosted by Daisy Letendre’13 in Washington, DC
Due to the wide ranging and rapidly changing impacts of the COVID-19 situation,
this event has been postponed. We hope to announce a new date later this year.

A moderated conversation with Professor Renny Fulco, 丽莎银行的90, Kristin Duquette’13 and Brooke LePage’19.
Hosted by Daisy Letendre’13 in Washington DC
Due to the wide ranging and rapidly changing impacts of the COVID-19 situation,
this event has been postponed. We hope to announce a new date later this year.

April 7, 2020: 50 Years of Dance and Coeducation
12:15 p.m. 为纪念朱迪·德沃林1971年与凯特·鲍尔斯和莱斯利·法罗的座谈会, moderated by Rebecca Pappas – Dangremond Family Commons
该活动原定于2月6日举行,但被推迟到4月7日. It will be recorded for viewing at a later time.

April 28, 2020: The Future of Title IX
与劳拉·洛克伍德的共同时间小组95年,Renny Fulco. Kristin Noone, Wildaliz Bermudez 04届,和Trinna Larsen 20届. Moderated by Sarah Cody’95. This event will be recorded for viewing at a later time.

Fall 2019: Women at the Summit: Today

October 2: WGRAC Then & 现在: 1970s-Present

5:00 p.m. 在马瑟艺术空间举办的“走过WGRAC的历史”葡萄酒和奶酪招待会
6:00 p.m. dinner and panel, Mather Hall, Terrace Rooms

一个小组讨论由夏奇拉拉莫斯克雷斯波' 02与过去和现在的工作人员和妇女的学生领袖主持 & Gender Resource Action Center.

  • Diane Martell, Women’s Center Coordinator, 1990-98
  • Beth Miller IDP’00, M’03
  • Bettina Gonzalez ’16
  • Lucemy Perez ’21
  • Laura Lockwood M’95, Director, WGRAC
  • 兰迪·李,66届,咨询与健康中心主任,心理学教授

阅读更多 about this event.

October 17:  Women in Leadership
Common Hour (12:15–1:15 p.m.)
Washington Room, Mather Hall
A Conversation with Joanne Berger-Sweeney, Trinity’s first female president, Cornelia Parsons Thornburgh ’80, Trinity’s first female board chair. Moderated by Sarah Cody ’95.
阅读更多 about the event or watch an archived stream.

October 24: Sororities: Then & 现在
Common Hour (12:15–1:15 p.m.)
Hamlin Hall, dining hall
阅读更多 about this event.

Related Programming

August 29: President’s Convocation

J-Term 2020 Course, led by Chaplain Allison Read, Professor Tamsin Jones and Sidnie White Crawford’81

October 2, 2019: Coeducation: Where Are We Today? A Conversation with Professor Susan Bush.

2019年10月29日:妇女和领导校友小组由艾米·卡茨' 79主持
小组成员:Jennifer Blum ' 88, Regan Hofmann ' 89, Daisy Letendre ' 13和Terrie Rouse-Rosario ' 74. Hosted by Gary Morgans ’75 for DC area alumni/ae.

November 3, 2019: Coeducation: Where Are We Today? A Conversation with Professor Kevin Huang’12
由Danae Goldberg McKenzie ' 09为波士顿地区校友/ae主持.

November 22, 2019: Hillel: Then & 现在. 与Molly Zaentz 09届和Lily Sommer 12届关于粉红安息日历史的对话.

November 23: A Venetian Affair
A performance by Liesl Odenweller ’88, 女高音和威尼斯音乐项目合奏团的联合创始人, Andrea di Robilant, author and narrator.
Add this event to your calendar.

December 8: Lessons & Carols with readings by Trinity women


Spring 2019: Women at the Summit: Yesterday

January 11: Launch Parties
On campus and at locations around the world, 博彩平台网址大全以庆祝学院投票接纳女性为一年级学生50周年的祝酒词拉开了“女性峰会”的序幕. 看到 highlights of how we celebrated.

February 14: Coeducation in Context: 1969-1970
Common Hour (12:15-1:20 p.m.)
一个关于向男女同校过渡的小组讨论 Judy Dworin ’70, professor of theater and dance, emerita; 多丽卡茨现代语言文学名誉教授; 兰迪·李66年, associate professor of psychology and director of the Counseling and Wellness Center;  and 罗恩·斯宾塞64年前副教务长、历史名誉讲师. Watch the video below, created by Hanjatiana Nirina Randrianarisoa ’21, for the Coeducation in Context panel.

March 1: Women’s History Month Keynote: Chris Evert
12:30–1:30 p.m.
Washington Room, Mather Hall
埃弗特将与三一曲棍球教练安妮·帕门特(Anne Parmenter)一起,就女性在体育界和整个社会中的角色演变展开广泛的对话.
阅读更多 and watch a video from the event.

March 26: The Evolution of the Female Bantam
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Grand Room, 招生 and Career Development Center

Discussion led by Robin Sheppard M’76,前田径副主任/首席曲棍球教练/首席女子曲棍球教练
阅读更多 and watch a video from the event.

Common Hour (12:15-1:20 p.m.)
A conversation with Diane Brown ’73, P’03Karen Fink Kupferberg ’73, P’07, Joyce Krinitsky ’73, Patti Mantell-Broad ’73, P’06.
阅读更多 and watch a video from the event.

Related Programming

February 8: “If We Stop the World Stops!” What’s Behind the International Strikes?
12:30 p.m. 
西班牙妇女罢工的组织者Lucia Cavallero和Jula Camara.

February 13: Evensong
5:15 p.m. 
晚祷是一种有几个世纪历史的祈祷仪式,通过美妙的音乐标志着一天的结束和夜晚的到来, 沉默, 烛光, 和香. 教堂歌手提供来自英国合唱传统的音乐, perfectly suited to the setting of the Chapel. 一名社区成员宣读简短的口头反思, 本学期将有女性学者和神学家的作品,以纪念女性峰会:博彩平台网址大全男女同校50周年. A meal follows this approximately 45-minute service. 所有人都被邀请在一天结束时安静地沉思片刻.

2019年2月28日:黑人历史月闭幕晚宴,以Ilyasah Shabazz为特色
6:30–9:00 p.m.
Washington Room, Mather Hall
阅读更多 about the event

March 27, 2019: The Patricia C. 查尔斯·H. 麦吉尔三世1963年国际研究杰出讲座
4:30 p.m.
McCook Academic Building
与南非作家和活动家Sisonke Msimang的对话 Always Another Country: A Memoir of Exile and 首页
Public Reception – Academic Club, Hamlin Hall 5:45 p.m.

April 3: Evensong
5:15 p.m. 
晚祷是一种有几个世纪历史的祈祷仪式,通过美妙的音乐标志着一天的结束和夜晚的到来, 沉默, 烛光, 和香. 教堂歌手提供来自英国合唱传统的音乐, perfectly suited to the setting of the Chapel. 一名社区成员宣读简短的口头反思, 本学期将有女性学者和神学家的作品,以纪念女性峰会:博彩平台网址大全男女同校50周年. A meal follows this approximately 45-minute service. 所有人都被邀请在一天结束时安静地沉思片刻.

April 9: ZeRoRo Armenia
12:15–1:15 p.m. 
70 Vernon Street
18岁的Mariam Avagyan将介绍她的戴维斯和平计划,名为“零亚美尼亚”.” Using engineering and education to promote peace, 这个夏令营对参加的孩子们的生活产生了深远的影响.

5:15 p.m. 
晚祷是一种有几个世纪历史的祈祷仪式,通过美妙的音乐标志着一天的结束和夜晚的到来, 沉默, 烛光, 和香. 教堂歌手提供来自英国合唱传统的音乐, perfectly suited to the setting of the Chapel. 一名社区成员宣读简短的口头反思, 本学期将有女性学者和神学家的作品,以纪念女性峰会:博彩平台网址大全男女同校50周年. A meal follows this approximately 45-minute service. 所有人都被邀请在一天结束时安静地沉思片刻.